Ever wonder what it feels like waiting to hear from your publishers?

Kinda like this…

Marnie Hitchcock Tippi HendrenLike Hitchcock is looming over your shoulder.

Let me walk you through it. They gave you your break. They alternately praised you and harangued you. Some of it was downright dismal. Some of it inspired you to do the best work you’ve ever done. You realize that the cascade of notes you received involved an almost world spanning interaction, getting the rhythm of the words right, getting the narrative to shimmy and shine and surprise — back and forth, you and the editors. Turns out you love to dance.

You also began to understand, like Dorothy, there’s no place like home — where the Production Designer you grew up with fit in the work on your book jacket while deep into a major motion picture — where the Graphic Artist started creating the layout of the novel after the Christmas you spent together.

Looking back over the two years since the process began it dawns on you that your world has expanded. You have learned. Not only about punctuation, but about people, and gratitude.

And still you wait, but in the company of friends. Thank you all for reading along.

I’ll let you know when the manuscript is locked.

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  1. Heather in Arles
    January 27, 2014

    Please do…and just ask if you need a little cheerleading pompom style until then! I only know what it is like to turn in articles for the press. A very fast process but one that utterly destroyed me each time in the waiting. So I take my hat, the one with the giant ostrich feathers on it and did it slowly to you, ma chere Ms V…

    • Heather in Arles
      January 27, 2014

      “dip it” not “did it” *sigh* that’s what I get for trying to be fancy… 😉

      • January 27, 2014

        I think you are very perceptive! Am feeling some kind of wicked ennui. Feel sure another cup of coffee and your fabulous wave/dip of the hat will lift me out of it, that and some ibuprofen 😉 .

    January 27, 2014

    Similar to Heather, what I know are pressing deadlines for a magazine; and the difference of finishing an editorial or an advertorial (oh, the beauty of approval deadlines!). but I am waiting patiently for the release of your book now. the last few steps are for sure the hardest ones, non?

    • January 27, 2014

      I think I’m just having one of those days, the kind you wallow in. I do remember when I got maudlin as a child my parents would always say, “We should have named you Sarah Bernhardt!” Waiting and brooding isn’t something I can do much more of, so I’ll get busy, it’s always better.

        January 27, 2014

        my natural reaction to sadness is laughter.
        bit then sadly, my natural reaction to brooding is more brooding.

        bad jokes aside, when I have one of those days, I try to get the most boring work done. you know, you always have that particular pile of things that are boooring to no end but just need your attention one day? yes. that pile. it’s impossible to brood facing such stupid wasting of my precious time 😉

      • January 27, 2014

        Oh ho! I think you mean the monthly bills… Very clever 🙂

        January 27, 2014

        bills and the likes first and formemost, yes 😀
        then there are just boring, silly but useful tasks like updating your address book or scanning/shredding documents, and so on.

      • January 27, 2014

        I’m doing it slightly backwards, but I just renewed my domains… Merci beaucoup!!!

        January 27, 2014

        backwards? first you renewed your domains and NOW you’re broody? #doinitwrong 😀

  3. George Kaplan
    January 27, 2014

    Oh, Ms Vickie sending you much calming and faith, and waves of healing and empowering energy. The time of fulfillment will arrive soon and relief will lift you up as your talent as confirmed yet again. What? Pretentious, moi?!
    You are not – you are *never* – alone, we all love and believe in you. You’re really SUPAH, Supergirl!

    • January 27, 2014

      Here I am surrounded by the nicest people from Great Britain, and France, and Germany – and what am I doing? Grousing. Subtly, but grousing. Thank you for being there to pick me up, or pull up my socks, or whatever it is you say there 😉 .

  4. January 28, 2014

    2 years! I would say a little grousing is obligatory.

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