They ushered in the sit-com and Desi ended up buying RKO and organizing their own studio, Desilu. They cared about each other throughout their lives, but sometimes the greatest love of your life doesn’t make the greatest spouse. Drinking, whoring, these things tend to get in the way – at least from the wife’s perspective. From the husband’s perspective the whoring only indicates your heart still belongs to your spouse…

Look, I know this goes on still. I’m thinking of one director in particular with a history of substance… I’ll call it substance indulgence… multiple marriages, different generations of children, and a taste for what he calls “professional” women. Knowing all this you’d think I’d barely be able to speak to him – but the truth is, he’s a charmer… A raconteur, an adventurous soul… An absolute charmer, just like Desi Arnaz was. Of course the substances have begun to make him a little addled, sadly this also was the case with Desi, perhaps that’s what’s tempering my view…

I’m not condoning anything, I’m just saying sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles – romantic tragedy-wise.

ball arnaz married 1940

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  1. February 5, 2013

    You gotta watch out for those charmers! I have been dazzled by a few in my time. Oh but the day Lucy and Desi announced there divorce I was crushed by a big hit of reality. Lucy and Ricky were getting a divorce. How could that be? I cried almost as hard as when my parents split.

    • February 5, 2013

      Divorced in 1960? I still can watch old episodes of their show over and over – the chemistry and the comedy are extraordinary.

      • February 5, 2013

        Yes 1960 I was 10. My parent’s divorce followed in 1961. Yes I love I LOVE LUCY. I watch it all the time and it never gets old.

  2. February 5, 2013

    Oh boy… don’t even get me started. Very sad.

    • February 5, 2013

      Say, have you started jotting notes down for your book? (I am changing the subject, subtle, yes?) I think it’s a very interesting idea! We could discuss over cocoa – but being in the middle aged cloud – I am now sensitive to lactose – so we’ll settle for a cyber-chat, which, as far as I know has never given anyone reflux 😉

      • February 5, 2013

        I’ve made contact with a few people. In my mind, I thought it would be very easy to get something like that published – I love Mia Farrow’s book, What Falls Away. I was thinking a cross between that and a psychological profile like, In Search of Bill Clinton. Apparently, the people I talked to felt that the book would have to be written first, they said the idea wouldn’t necessarily sell as a concept. I don’t know, it started feeling overwhelming. Still, it might be very empowering for me. I’d also have to talk to a lawyer to make sure that I could legally write this kind of book. Maybe when I get my energy back in full force I’ll be able to explore this further. I’m afraid even in cyber chat this topic could give me reflux! Ha!

  3. May 26, 2013

    I only vagely remember the show over here.I will have to look it up.I never really watched it except with half an eye and so have no ond memories of it etc.Probably a candidate for Youtube search.

    • May 26, 2013

      You can see the roots of the sit-com in the making.

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