Here’s the historical context. That’s David Bowie, during a decade he reports to have forgotten, nabbed in Upstate New York on a coke charge. Talk about aplomb. He looks impossibly elegant under obviously trying circumstances. Contrast that with any mug shot you’ve seen recently of errant celebrities and then just shut your mouths!

But, I digress. Recently, a music industry great of similar vintage, and possibly more lifetime habits, has returned from Switzerland with a sparkle in his eye and new spring in his step. Rumor has it he has taken the cure with a complete blood transfusion. Who can say? My sources inform me he has reconciled with his first wife, a legendary folk singer, at least as far as having her most recent restraining order against him revoked.

Seen strolling Wilshire Dr. at 7 a.m. in his tennis whites accompanied by a silver haired friend the impresario was queried by a curious onlooker as to his sportive attire. His answer, “I do not own sweats. They are an abomination against man and God.”

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