Blogging will be light as I adjust to my fab new footware

photoSo, I’ve got a handle on the crutches, but fanny bumping up and down the stairs? As to this specific contraption I think it was designed for a Yeti and not a human. At any rate – apologies in advance, there will be some pretty pictures of flowers up in a couple of hours and then I will be scarce for the next few days.

Cheers dears, V

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  1. August 6, 2013

    I hope you are on the mend real soon!

    • August 6, 2013

      Before I become affixed to the couch!!!

  2. August 6, 2013

    Having sprained and maimed my ankles several times, I’m quite familiar with the bulky body tripper pictured above as well as crutches and canes. After a while, you learn to use a crutch on the stair below to balance while tightly hugging the stairwell bannister. Now…if you have a spiral staircase there might be a problem.

    • August 6, 2013

      My clumsiness must have impressed even the doctors, because while I was being instructed on proper crutch use a little convocation of three standing in the hall just shook their heads at the prospect of teaching me that, and came up with the ingenious suggestion of fanny bumping. Having done it once up, and once down the staircase, I have to say it’s going to strengthen my core like nobody’s business 😉 .

  3. August 6, 2013

    Take care, V. Hope you get better soon.

    • August 6, 2013

      Thank you! I plan on it 🙂 .

  4. August 6, 2013

    Oh dear, get well soon … =(

    • August 6, 2013

      Queen of the Wild Frontier! Your wish is my command and thank you very much.

  5. Heather in Arles
    August 6, 2013

    Whaaaa! Get better soon, Ms. V!
    And I dunno, the footwear looks very early Yohji to me…
    Bisous! Bisous! Bisous!

    • August 6, 2013

      Mr. Yamamoto is revered here — suddenly I have a new appreciation — and why was I only given ONE.
      xox! V

      • Heather in Arles
        August 7, 2013

        Maybe you should ask for another. Then get out all of your black drapeyness and voila! It’s a look.

  6. August 6, 2013

    Dearest V
    Did I miss something!?!
    Poor you, whatever the ailment… an ankle?
    Mend soon Ms Lester.
    We need you.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

    • August 6, 2013

      No! I missed something — not to speed around the house barefoot on a straight trajectory for a large, heavy, inanimate object!
      I am going to douse myself in Do Son now. No wait, I am going to instruct the Kid to fetch me the bottle 😉 . Much love, V

      • August 7, 2013

        Dearest V
        Oh yes.. this is the excuse you need (as if excuse were needed) to be waited on hand and foot while bathed in fine fragrance!
        Better soon though.
        Yours ever
        The Perfumed Dandy

  7. George Kaplan
    August 6, 2013

    What some people will do to get the *funky new footwear that simply EVERYONE is talking about!* Worn on one foot for Extra Hipster Points 🙂
    Seriously, don’t get too frustrated Vickie and may the inconvenience and pain be over in an eyeblink.
    All my sympathy, Georgie K

    • August 6, 2013

      Large wooly mammoth eye blinks! I think the pain is supposed to dissipate in a week or two. But, as I am on the couch with my feet up, I don’t feel a thing. xox, V

    • August 6, 2013

      Oh! I want that loudspeaker wall mount thingamajig… Thank you for that!

  8. August 6, 2013

    What? Sorry to hear that you have been so encumbered Vicki. Rest and repair best wishes to you!

    • August 6, 2013

      I like that word… encumbered… it gives gravity and bearing to my screw-up! XOX, V

  9. August 7, 2013

    Shall we blame perimenopause again? Rest well. Heal well.

    • August 7, 2013

      We just might, and thank you!

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