Migraine Friday – Sorry I haven’t been responding to comments

This is a dance troupe from 1938 that performed in Los Angeles — one of them is Sybil Shearer – kinda the mama of Modern Dance… I love the image and it struck me as vertiginous — which I pat myself on the back for pulling out of my foggy brain at the moment. Uhm… The peacock cape… for those who inquired, the birds molt and the feathers are gathered and it probably took about 2,000 to make that garment. Shalimar, yes, most likely brought home by my dad from France when he returned home to Mom after WWII along with a Leica camera my brother still has, and some frightening photos of bombed out cities. Roosevelt rocked and I want to know more about the dark side of Churchill… Strange hats… de rigueur for the Halloween season.  Be well beloved readers!Sybil Shearer, Katharine Manning, Eva Desca, Doris Humphrey, Beatrice Seckler, Joan Levy, Harriette Anne Gray and Katharine Setz 1938

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  1. Heather in Arles
    October 18, 2013

    And to you, beloved V. Sending good thoughts to banish your migraine. Ommm….

    • October 20, 2013

      Hugs to you, Ms. Heather and thanks – Sunday and the fog has lifted, café au lait and the New York Times. Life is good.

  2. October 18, 2013

    Dearest V
    And be assured you are well beloved too. Our very dear author.
    Be better soon.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

    • October 20, 2013

      I want to talk to you about that author thing, sir – having been recently floored by your scented letters – so good!

  3. October 18, 2013


  4. beautycalyptique
    October 18, 2013

    while whishing you may get well soon from all my heart, my holistic suggestion for banishing migraines forever (why, some people choose to keep theirs as an ultima ratio to be left alone once in a while) would be one of three things that matter: a healthy back and neck; proper diet – because undiscovered allergies/intolerances can give you a really bad time; and enough hydration.

    • October 20, 2013

      Here’s a new one for you, they might be associated with sun spots and solar flares!

      • beautycalyptique
        October 20, 2013

        ah, meteoropathy. yes, yes. they might, you’re absolutely right. but one can grid oneself. won’t always work, but most of the time. by now I only experience fatigue but no pain due to crazy cosmic jive 😉

  5. October 18, 2013

    I was once diagnosed with ‘migraine-like symptoms’: I was crippled with them, so I can’t imagine what you’ve been going through, my poor dear. I do remember being desperately sick with chicken pox (in my THIRTIES) and what helped me was a cool, wet rag on my forehead and Billie Holiday on my cassette player.

    • October 20, 2013

      Music does help, and a cool rag, and something fizzy to drink. All better now – hugs to you Aubrey!

  6. October 19, 2013

    Hope you are feeling better soon. 🙂

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