Best joke of the evening – about 5 minutes in… Golden Globes 2014 – Tina Fey, Amy Poehler

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  1. Heather in Arles
    January 13, 2014

    Booo! Video not available in my country??? Grr….

    • January 13, 2014

      Gravity is nominated for best film…a story about how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age…

  2. January 13, 2014

    Dearest V
    Boo hoo.
    Bad people won;t let us Brits in on the joke… presumably they think we have more than enough of our own!
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

  3. January 13, 2014

    First best line:
    Gravity is nominated for best film…a story about how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age…
    Second was a quip Cate Blanchett made about being plied with vodka at the party, much, she imagined, like Judy Garland would have been plied with barbiturates…

  4. January 13, 2014

    didn’t you ADORE Julia Louis Dreyfus “sitting with the Film People” wearing dark glasses?

    • January 14, 2014

      I loved it, and I’d never seen an electronic cigarette before…

      • January 14, 2014

        they haven’t made it to your part of Town?

        almost “over” this end.


      • January 15, 2014

        I turned to the Mister and said, “What the hell is that?”

        On my side of town it’s the real deal, huddled outside office buildings, or at tables outside cafes. It’s become so rare I kind of savor the scent when a trace of it appears…

      • January 15, 2014

        it’s a bit like when one saw the first person talking intently into the middle distance but no one else was there.

        only later one was Told it was a mobile phone device via mr. bluetooth.

        now one never sees anyone on a headset.

        apart from Ms. madonna louise of course

  5. January 14, 2014

    They don’t want me to see the video either but I did hear the joke about George Clooney on BBC news.

    • January 14, 2014

      I nearly fell off my chair. I wish those two were hosting the Oscar’s 🙂 .

      • January 14, 2014

        Maybe they will get their chance to do so, one day soon.

  6. January 14, 2014

    Gah, I love these two. I’d love them separately, but it makes it extra-awesome they’re best friends in real life.
    They played the George Clooney joke on the radio yesterday while I was getting ready for work. I guffawed.

    • January 14, 2014

      They hit it out of the ballpark. They always do – so funny. Listen to Cate’s wit and poise after the music comes up to chivvy her off stage:
      I hope you can see this in Canada!

      • January 14, 2014

        HA! I bet she’s everyone’s favourite dinner guest.

      • January 14, 2014

        She is a favorite actress, because of her talent, intelligence, and wonderful on set demeanor — not a cell of Diva in her.

  7. George Kaplan
    January 18, 2014

    Amy Poehler is very funny! She’s fine in Parks and Recreation too. (Have to mention another hilarious lady, Parks guest star Megan Mullally, gorgeous and outrageous and easily the best thing in the otherwise pretty duff Will and Grace!)

    • January 19, 2014

      I’ll have to start watching 🙂 .

  8. George Kaplan
    January 18, 2014

    Oh, and the Clooney joke was hilarious, thanks for relating it, Vickie.

    • January 19, 2014

      It’s such a good joke I actually remembered the punchline — I never remember the punchline!

  9. February 14, 2014

    I was fortunate to be in the States for this year’s Golden Globes and I think the girls did a fantastic job. The George Clooney joke was great! I also loved when Tina told Amy there was a special place in hell for her after she won her award, poking fun at Taylor Swift’s comment in Vanity Fair. The “Swifties” announced on Twitter that they will be boycotting next year’s ceremony. Hahaha.

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