At first, Gable found Lombard to be bawdier than he was willing to handle – No Man of Her Own (1932)

No Man of Her Own 1932

During filming, Gable and Lombard were entirely indifferent to one another, with Lombard in a foul mood due to her recent unpleasant loan-out to United Artists. She spoke of that experience with her usual colorful vocabulary, which Gable was not certain he approved of. No romantic relationship between the stars came about during the making of this picture, with Lombard still married to actor William Powell and still very much in love. While Gable was still married to socialite Rhea Langham, he could not say that he was in love, but he was certainly not interested in Lombard. He was not so distant from Lombard, however, that he did not give her a nickname, calling her “Ma”, as his character did in the film. Lombard retaliated by calling him “Pa.”

On the last day of filming, Gable presented Lombard with a pair of ballerina slippers with a card attached that said, “To a true primadonna.” Lombard got him back when she presented him with a large ham with his picture on it. Gable kissed her goodbye and they did not stay in touch, as Gable found Lombard to be bawdier than he was willing to handle, and Lombard found Gable to be overly conceited. It was not until four years later that their romance began to take off. Gable and Lombard never appeared together in another film, primarily because they became major stars at different studios, which didn’t like to lend them out.

via No Man of Her Own (1932 film) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Paramount commisary lunch No Man of Her Own Gable and Lombard

Lunch in the commissary at Paramount

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  1. George Kaplan
    January 25, 2013

    She’s wonderful and modern (the *good* modern) in her movies but it probably says something about me that I think she sounds great in “real” life too. Bawdy, witty, and moody (oh, and gorgeous as well, Mr Pig asks me to say)? Yes, please. Perhaps I’m being unfair but few modern actors strike me as being as Ms Lombard and Gable appear above. So funny.

    • January 25, 2013

      It might have to do with watching actors develop over decades of work. Now we have a very youth oriented film market, and it’s very difficult to make a lasting impression as a actor of any depth when half your face is CGI’ed and you may, or may not, have scales, a tail, or the ability to shoot gravity defying cables from your hands – granted, the super spider-ish ability makes moving through Manhattan a snap, but…

  2. George Kaplan
    January 25, 2013

    Well, everything has its drawbacks. It’s very hard to get seated when you have a tail. Apparently.

    • March 23, 2014

      Can’t they just…curl it up into a spring and sit on that?

      • March 24, 2014

        Or maybe if you had capacious pockets… 😉

  3. March 23, 2014

    “Lunch in the commissary at Paramount”



    a lot of white wicker chairs if we recall – slightly more pastel than expected?

    • March 24, 2014

      White wicker? Which would mean it was last decorated in the throes of Shabby Chic. Oh my!

      • March 24, 2014

        or even earlier…….Very 1985

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