“I’m a personality as well as an actress. Show me an actress who isn’t a personality, and you’ll show me a woman who isn’t a star.” Katharine Hepburn

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    • June 26, 2014

      Sculptural! I’d add an emoticon, but I don’t think one exists that has cheekbones…

  1. June 26, 2014

    Dearest V
    ‘I’m a personality’. Oh yes. That should have been on Kat’s headstone.
    And my, didn’t she photograph well, even under the workers as sometimes she insisted she be shot on set as ‘she had more important things to do’.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

    • June 26, 2014

      What’s the decorous way to say it? She had a strong sense of self and bone structure that might have been a little frightening off camera 😉 .

      • June 26, 2014

        Dearest V
        Oh, I’m sure. But in a country with a living aristocracy as opposed to one elected by fame, we’re rather used to the imperious and find them amusing rather than alarming!
        Yours ever
        The Perfumed Dandy

  2. June 26, 2014

    Truly one of the most photogenic people in a town of photogenic people.

  3. June 28, 2014

    You have a very interesting blog.

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