Lloyd Wright – architect – and a beautiful house of Ramon Navarro’s – who would be 116 today

Three generations:


This house was designed by Lloyd Wright for Louis Samuel, who went from meeting Ramon Novarro in dance class to becoming the star’s personal assistant and then manager. On finding Samuel was embezzling from him Novarro didn’t press charges, but did take possession of this beautiful home.

The interior by Lloyd Wright:

Ramon Novarro enjoying his new swimming pool:

A beautiful house I used to walk by every time I had an out of town guest, as I recall the climb is rather steep to get there from Beachwood through Bronson Canyon, and at one point I remember a particular friend smacking my arm because of the effort, but reaching the house she saw it was well worth it 😉

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  1. September 17, 2012

    Good morning, V! Back into the vortex along with my steaming cup of coffee 🙂 This is a Gorgeous house! I’m sure even more so in person!

    • September 17, 2012

      I miss coffee!!! My husband is on location working on a movie and when he told somebody his kitchen was being remodeled in his absence they commented, “well played!” It’s more like diabolically clever, if you ask me 😉

  2. Melissa
    September 17, 2012

    Is this the house Diane Keaton later bought?

    • September 17, 2012

      Yes, and restored beautifully. 🙂

  3. March 16, 2013

    Thank you very much.If I ever come to America its on my visit list.

  4. George Kaplan
    May 16, 2013

    Gosh! That house is magnificent, well worth the hike to see it, I’d say. Imagine *living* in it… Walks in the hills must be magical, even if exhausting. 🙂
    I really like the image of Novarro in the pool, it’s so striking! The walls, the ripples in the water, the whole setting…
    Did you know that Ramon was overjoyed with the portraits that George Hurrell took of him? Even though they were much more soft focus than G. H.’s later work. In fact, I suspect that’s why Mr N loved them. And why not?! 😉 For a photograph of me to work it’d have to be so soft focus that all you’d see is a gossamer blur! Bwahahahaha!

    • May 17, 2013

      The house is beautiful, and the way it’s set into the property is also lovely. I’ll try to find you some contemporary pix.

  5. May 16, 2013

    Dearest V
    “Used to”!?! Please tell me this palace of beauty has not been dismantled or demolished. Please!!
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

    • May 17, 2013

      Dearest D,
      It is very much still there!
      We will go see it when you come visit 🙂

      • May 17, 2013

        Dearest V
        Oh yes, a visit… I shall of course be in your United States in just eight days time… but over the other side sadly.
        There are of course art deco marvels to be had when we reach Miami and I have noted down the name of that splendid restaurant in Charleston… that reminds me I must dig out the note!
        Yours ever
        The Perfumed Dandy

  6. February 6, 2015

    Oh this is gorgeous!! Thank you so much for posting!

    Now I’m going to scour my neighborhood for the most fabulous house, and ask the owner to please embezzle from me.

    Good luck with the remodelling!

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