The Oliver House — glass and sunshine and all those angles — designed by Rudolph Schindler

Completed in 1934, The Oliver House:

Another view:

The living room:

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  1. September 14, 2012

    Oh yes much better than the “House of the Future” at Disneyland!

    • September 14, 2012

      Okay, I was one of those weird children who didn’t like Disneyland… Just looked up the house of the future and it was made of plastic. And, it looks to me like a giant old seed pod, or something out of that Woody Allen movie, “Sleeper”. Yikes! And hugs from down here where it topped out at 114 degrees this afternoon.

      • September 14, 2012

        It was a hidious house and even back then when I first saw it It somehow seemed dated to the late 50’s. Hugs from up here where it topped out at 68 fog rolling over the top of Twin Peeks where the crawling eye lives. hee hee!

    • March 17, 2014

      It’s a glorious house, I agree!

  2. Sophie
    April 24, 2014

    He Vickie, are these photographs taken by you? I’m interested in using the livingroom one in a publication!

    • April 24, 2014

      Sophie, I think (I’m trying to remember) the photo you’re talking about was taken in the 1930s by a photo service here in Los Angeles called either Keystone or Luckenhouse (?), neither exists any more. I would check with the USC or Los Angeles Public Library archives to see if they have the photo in their collections and if they can grant you the rights for publication.

      • Sophie
        April 24, 2014

        Thank you so much for the information! This is really helpful I will check it right away.

      • April 24, 2014

        You’re so welcome and let me know how it goes!

  3. Sophie
    April 24, 2014

    Found it! In the Los Angeles Public Library archives, where I can order the image, perfect!

    • April 24, 2014

      Fabulous! When the piece is published send up a flare, I’d love to see it 🙂 .

  4. January 28, 2018

    Hi Vickie, I became a great friend of W.E. Oliver’s wife Stephanie while in college in the early 60’s and visited the house frequently. It was a great experience and left lasting impressions for me as a young artist and sculptor. I believe the figurative sculpture art in the interior room photo was her work. Much discussion and remembrance where spent with her. After more than 50 years, she, and the space she shared, remains a significant and beloved event in my formative years. Can you give me anymore information about her, and I would also be happy to add any commentary possible as well.

    • January 28, 2018

      Thank you! To know the people and stories behind the images is fascinating. I had no idea about the Olivers, I just was bowled over by the photos when I came across them — as I was when I looked up your work — beautiful and very important. I’m so glad you visited the site.

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