Strangers on the internet — Exchanging glances

Wondering on the internet
What were the chances…

Hello, Mercury!

Sorry, got distracted there for a minute. Shall we get reacquainted? I used to post here all the damn time about things that struck my fancy, like Hollywood history, cool architecture, and fabulous books. Then I self-published a novel, and poppets, I did go on and on.

Then a couple of things happened, I was in the midst of writing another book when the political scene went cockeyed, and I clammed up. I had to silence my devices in order to concentrate, and lo and behold, I finished a first draft of the manuscript.

That manuscript has had a major rewrite. (If you’re curious, I changed the narrative voice from 3rd person to 1st person.) Now it is sitting with a marvelous reader and I am awaiting feedback. In the meantime I’ve been conjuring comments in my subconscious.

Aldous Huxley gave me his gut reaction in my dreams. He said, “I enjoyed the manuscript immensely, dear. But, I do think you would be taken more seriously if you employed less humor.” Anita Loos was bobbing her head silently in agreement. Even in my dream I was aware that was odd, because Ms. Loos was rarely silent about anything.

Yet, no matter what old Aldous said, the new work is only mildly amusing and in no way a comic novel. Thinking further about that dream, it’s a first time appearance for any authors—and esteemed ones, at that—in my night theater. Hm…

When I related that dream and my concerns about it to a friend she said, “Your dream was being typically dreamy-contrary, I think, teasing you, playing on unconscious guilt about your natural facility for light comedy.”

Is it any wonder that I adore her? And do you know where we met? Right here, in the land of social media.

Be well, angels, and I hope to be seeing more of you!

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  1. September 8, 2018

    Isn’t it amazing to see how much you can get done if you take away all the distractions? I learned that lesson while bashing away at my work-in-progress while in vacation in Mexico with no internet connection outside of the mosquito-invaded lobby. With no in-room internet, I got twice as much work done. It’s a revelation! Congrats on finishing your latest tome…even if Mr Huxley and Ms Loos don’t wholly approve.

    • September 8, 2018

      Not signing on every day to the world wide web makes a person feel more connected (at least this person, and it sounds like you too). Well done on a new work-in-progress!

  2. September 8, 2018

    I’m at p 150 and enjoying. Going well. Relax.

    • September 8, 2018

      Am doing my best, it’s 95º out and I’ve got the curtains closed against the sun and I’m beginning a British ghost story that takes place on the rocky shores of Devon in the 1930s (that’s a guess) called “The Uninvited.” Thank you for reading!

  3. September 9, 2018

    Congratulations on finishing the manuscript. I wish someone could rewrite the political script in the US since 2016!

    • September 10, 2018

      Thank you! As for the rewrite I hope people will be energized to do exactly that in the coming months.

      • September 10, 2018

        Gosh I hope so.

  4. September 10, 2018

    As you know, I, too, have deactivated Twitter and severely limited my exposure to other internet and web adventuring; started emailing (poor you) and writing actual hand-written, stamped and posted letters — and I feel a million times more ME. I’ve also had additional time to read, to spend with people, to be here in my real life, not focused on the personality/persona I’d created and spun on-line. Turns out the connections I made on-line and Twitter etcetera that were of real value have continued OUTSIDE of that platform. Which is a great and good thing. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    • September 10, 2018

      And who doesn’t love a letter, electronic or otherwise? Right now my journey involves the last vestiges of a migraine, so I will refrain from sharing that. Stay well, Charlie.

      • September 11, 2018

        I am sorry to hear about the migraine, my friend. I hope it has ended by now. I’ve another dear friend who suffers greatly with migraines. I am so so sorry.

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