Tag: give the side-eye

June 9, 2014 /
May 27, 2014 /

“Have you met my significant other?” Anne shook her head, expecting him to introduce a strapping young man, possibly, most likely, in the acting profession. Instead he blew a kiss to a taught, angular woman in her late sixties / early seventies wrapped in an Indonesian sarong. She smiled serenely.…

May 24, 2014 /

Anne expected The Buccaneers to be some gimcrack, seedy nightmare, covered on the outside with weathered wooden panels while within would be a world of piratical tack with swags and ropes and men in velvet doublets—minus pants…  pg. 167, It’s in His Kiss

May 24, 2014 /
May 24, 2014 /

What, exactly, did Cliff tell you about my husband? pg. 66, It’s in His Kiss

May 22, 2014 /