Tag: grace

November 21, 2013 /

But there’s this one thing I wanted to say… I’m so ashamed of myself… When Jack quoted something, it was usually classical… no, don’t protect me now… I kept saying to Bobby, I’ve got to talk to somebody, I’ve got to see somebody, I want to say this one thing,…

November 20, 2013 /

Check in later today to see what Miss Charisse had to say about dancing with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire…

June 12, 2013 /

I have a friend who, whenever I used to do anything he found charming, would exclaim, “how Audrey of you!” My darlings, there can be only one. . At Ciro’s – Billy Wilder, Mel Ferrer, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, James Stewart:

January 17, 2013 /

Two performers who knew how to move: