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  1. February 14, 2013

    Dearest V
    Would it be simply too indiscreet of me to say that’s a truly electric shot. Technicolor perfection.
    Those lips on the lady.
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

  2. February 14, 2013

    I always liked Ingrid Bergman. Great photo.

    • February 14, 2013

      I like that they were an age appropriate couple — even though I loved the movie “Charade” — Cary and Audrey as a romantic pair was a bit odd…

    • February 28, 2013

      Hey, I wanted to bury this comment Ms. Lisa because it’s really just for you. You dropped someone’s name and a light bulb finally went on in my tiny mind (believe me, sometimes those light bulbs should just stay out). Many agencies ago he and I shared the same agent… I’ve never met him, he wouldn’t have the slightest idea who I am. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, except to say, hang in there – I know by your words that you are a jewel with a fiery and conscientious heart. Much love, things really will get better, V

      • February 28, 2013

        Aha! Interesting… He’s jumped around quite a bit so that doesn’t surprise me. I just read this comment to Lily. You have no idea, Vickie, just how wonderful your words are. Well, maybe you do, you certainly should. 😉 I’m glad you shared this.
        Thank you, love. xox

      • February 28, 2013

        My words are fiddlesticks, if I were a holy person I’d grant you a benediction, but instead – in the ancient lingo of my peeps and with all my heart: May the Lord lift up his face unto you and give you peace.
        Love to you and Lily, V

      • March 1, 2013

        My apologies for using this as a secret channel… But, I woke this morning with my girlfriend hackles up. I know this is a bad situation where you have to cede a lot of control to other people, but…

        Well, someone (you) should get a book out of this – what if you started to use your blog to showcase famous cheats through history

        then showing divorce settlement documents

        and so on and so on?

        If he’s going to snoop (you mentioned this to me and I can’t get it out of my mind) – give him something to find. Sort of like training a dog.

        Too Sicilian? I know, but I want to slap somebody on the snout with a rolled up newspaper on your behalf.

        Yeah, I’m not exactly the voice of temperance today. Apologies again.

        xox, V

  3. February 14, 2013

    I just watched this again…(from my library of over 300 films) two weeks ago. They were perfect together. When I was in London I went to see the sphinxes along the Thames where they were stopped by the autograph fiends…remember?

    • February 15, 2013

      I do remember, and I especially remember her apartment — a Georgian wonder — Hollywood style.

      • February 15, 2013

        OH YES I loved the breakfast nook!

      • February 15, 2013

        I was trying to figure out where to put a circular window in the kitchen remodel — but I just couldn’t — phooey.

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