Desk Set (1957) written by Nora and Delia’s mom and dad, Phoebe and Henry Ephron


Ruthie Saylor: [Talking about Richard Sumner as he tape measures the office]

Do you think we’re being redecorated?

Sylvia Blair:

Does he look like an interior decorator to you?

Peg Costello:

No. He looks like one of those men who suddenly switched to vodka!


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  1. Heather in Arles
    March 27, 2014

    Kind of neat that the “older characters” idea (for utter lack of a better term – help) got passed along the line…
    It has been ages since I have seen this. Might just take care of that sooner than later…

    • March 28, 2014

      I don’t know why “older characters” don’t get more attention these days…must be because studios are going after a young global audience, and that means… spectacle with no language barrier. It’s a pity, but Character driven work and witty dialogue are almost exclusive to TV. Ohhh, watch it. It’s such a wonderful film, and the screen chemistry…

  2. March 28, 2014

    I love seeing these two together. My brain is full of snippets of stories of their relationship and how devoted they were to each other, which makes me happy. Plus, she’s just so tough and smart and brave. She was the kind of woman I want to be.

    • March 28, 2014

      I imagine she’s the kind of woman you are! Have you ever read “Kate Remembered” by A. Scott Berg? I think you might like it, along with her two autobiographies, which are very smart, chatty, informal and opinionated. Hm…

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