Reprise — ‘Tis the Season — Louise Brooks

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  1. December 8, 2013

    Not seen this one before.Now she amongst one of my three pictures of old Hollywood stars.I have never however to date seen any of her work.I just love the images.

    • Heather in Arles
      December 8, 2013

      Actually, Edward I just realized that is true for me as well! But somehow she is so present in photographs that it seems as though I have.
      I also want to read her autobiography…

      • December 8, 2013

        Yes I think that is a good comment.She is so photogenic and her image so pervasive that it is quite easy to imagine that you have seen her films.I did not know that there was an autobiography- so thank you.I know however that although she lived to a late old age that she must have been a heavy smoker as she had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

      • December 11, 2013

        Ha! You beat me to it! Suggesting autobiography-wise… 😉

    • December 11, 2013

      You might enjoy her autobiography:
      Lulu in Hollywood: Louise Brooks, Kenneth Tynan: Books.

  2. December 8, 2013

    I love this photo. Her severe haircut + feminine outfit. She looks like a million $.

    • December 11, 2013

      Very, very, interesting person — and wrote a damn good book about Hollywood!

  3. December 9, 2013

    Dearest V
    Now that’s what The Dandy calls a ‘seasonal look’.
    I wonder if a trim of purple tinsel would suit me….?!?
    Yours ever
    The Perfumed Dandy

    • December 11, 2013

      I’d go with silver, it’s a classic look. xox, V

      • December 12, 2013

        Dearest V
        Imperial purple tinsel on the deco mantelpiece and silver strings of beads on the tree. ‘Twas the compromise before Christmas.
        Yours ever
        The Perfumed Dandy

  4. December 14, 2014

    Love her hair/face, but … um… am I the only one to wonder if she’s smuggling a softball under there? What is that? It’s too low (I hope) to be a boob. It’s too small and perfectly round to be a stomach (egads)… I mean… what IS THAT?!?!

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