Tag: celebrity

December 5, 2015 /

Didn’t we all have chores? Except mine weren’t professionally photographed… . .

May 25, 2015 /
May 15, 2015 /
May 25, 2014 /

There’s a difference between talent and celebrity, a difference between earning recognition and exploiting the media… When Grace, creative director for Vogue was told about the filming of The September Issue, she had this to say: My reaction to this intrusive idea was naturally one of horror, because my feeling…

October 8, 2013 /

Two kids at the Academy Awards: Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. judges the net – mixed doubles. “Big Bill” Tilden (standing far left), the first American Wimbledon champion, taught tennis to movie stars after he retired from competition. This photo was taken by Len Weissman and is dated 1940: Studio Portrait: Singing…

September 25, 2013 /

She went to Yale Drama and after appearing on Broadway got a small plum part in a Weinstein film shot on location in Shreveport in the tolerable month of January. She made the big move to LA and secured an apartment on King’s Road. Eileen, a natural Nordic blonde had…

June 12, 2013 /

I have a friend who, whenever I used to do anything he found charming, would exclaim, “how Audrey of you!” My darlings, there can be only one. . At Ciro’s – Billy Wilder, Mel Ferrer, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, James Stewart:

March 20, 2013 /
September 29, 2012 /

Okay, it was my intention when I started this blog never to be crass, or destructive, or part of the weird gawker aspect of a fame driven news cycle; and to that end I’ve tried to write pieces mostly on Hollywood history – which means I usually write about people…

September 7, 2012 /

1960, when everybody read the paper, but none so suave as Cary Grant: