Tag: beloved

June 9, 2014 /

When I was young it meant I would reply to the question, “What do you do?” With this: “Laundry.” Yesterday a friend dropped by and said, “I like you hair like that.” A lovely compliment to which I replied, “That’s the way it comes out of my head.” Completely ignoring…

August 8, 2013 /
July 26, 2013 /

The interwebs, like the world which they mirror, can be a vast daunting place. There are a lot of strange things out there as well as very strange people (of which, I may be one) and it can be quite scary. But then you discover places that are purely wonderful,…

June 18, 2012 /

From 1925 to 1928 William Wyler cranked out twenty-nine westerns – most of them were two reelers (24 minutes) in the Universal Mustang series. In later years he had this to say: “I made over forty Westerns. I used to lie awake nights trying to think up new ways of…