Marlene Dietrich, behind the glamour: why she entertained and comforted Allied soldiers, “It was the decent thing to do.”


She sizzled onscreen with the hottest leading men in Hollywood—Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Charles Boyer, Robert Donat, James Stewart, Ronald Colman—but Marlene Dietrich’s most memorable co-star may have been a balding, jowly, irascible middle-aged man. While entertaining the troops during World War II, she ventured within a mile of the German front lines on the arm of Gen. George Patton. When asked why she’d take such a huge risk—especially when the Nazi government had placed a seven-figure bounty on her head—she replied, “Aus anstand.” Out of decency.

Click here to read all about it at: Sister Celluloid

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  1. May 24, 2015

    Thank you for sharing this, Vickie!! Marlene was a genuine heroine, and I’m always happy when her story is celebrated!!

  2. rschulenberg
    May 24, 2015

    This is profound! “Aus anstand!”

  3. May 26, 2015

    liebe Marlene… admired, appreciated and respected here in France where she decided to live after WW-2 and where she passed away… her romance with the French actor Jean Gabin has been legendary…

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